01 The activity of the Group


As at the last day of 2019, the headcount in ENEA Group companies included 17,291 employees with employment contracts, including 3,051 women and 14,240 men. As at 31 December 2019, the headcount in ENEA S.A. was 398 employees with employment contracts.

Employment at ENEA Group by level of education as of December 2019

Created with Highcharts 6.1.0higher: 39.1 %higher: 39.1 %secondary: 43.4 %secondary: 43.4 %vocational: 15.9 %vocational: 15.9 %elementary: 1.5 %elementary: 1.5 %highersecondaryvocationalelementary
Semployment at ENEA Group by level of education as of 31 December 2019

Employment at ENEA Group by age as of December 2019

Created with Highcharts 6.1.0<= 25 years of age: 6.0 %<= 25 years of age: 6.0 %26-35 years of age: 27.2 %26-35 years of age: 27.2 %36-45 years of age: 26.7 %36-45 years of age: 26.7 %46-55 years of age: 27.4 %46-55 years of age: 27.4 %56-60 years of age: 9.4 %56-60 years of age: 9.4 %>= 61 years of age: 3.3 %>= 61 years of age: 3.3 %<= 25 years of age26-35 years of age36-45 years of age46-55 years of age56-60 years of age>= 61 years of age
Employment at ENEA Group by age as of December 2019
<= 25 years of age 1 0396%
26-35 years of age4 70027%
36-45 years of age4 62027%
46-55 years of age4 73127%
56-60 years of age1 6249%
>= 61 years of age5773%
Total17 291100%

HR Policy implementation at ENEA Group in 2019

  1. Optimisation of the HR work organisation model aimed to facilitate the Group’s activity.
    The essence of the new model is:
  • creating HR policy at the level of ENEA S.A. and cascading the assumptions for implementation to individual member companies of the Group, which is to ensure the cohesion of HR operations and support for the pursuit of ENEA Group Strategy
  • ensuring business support in member companies of the Group through HR Business Partners responsible for implementing HR solutions, supporting the Management Boards and the management staff in HR managing, and cooperation with the company’s trade union organisations
  • development and implementation of cohesive HR processes and standards throughout ENEA Group in such areas as: recruiting, hiring, and changes to employment terms and conditions, development policy, training, management by objectives, incentive systems, etc.
  • leaving in the Shared Service Centre at ENEA Centrum only the operating activities in the field of HR and payroll services, the Company’s Welfare Benefits Fund, handling of training, and settlement of trade union organisations

Implementation of the action plan based on the analysis of results obtained after the Employee satisfaction survey conducted in selected ENEA Group Companies.

HR process digitalisation – initiating the operations aimed to introduce electronic personal files (e-files) and electronic document circulation in the scope of processes handled by HRBP (recruiting, hiring, changes to employment terms and conditions, etc.).

Operations in the field of employer branding aimed to win the best candidates for work, including the measures targeted at students and graduates, such as promoting at higher schools and during career fairs the “Get installed at ENEA” internship and student practice programme, implementation of the dual education program, cooperation with student organisations and activities dedicated to students of vocational and technical schools through the implementation of a model of cooperation with patronage schools in the areas of operations of the companies, promotion of work for ENEA among schoolchildren and students - potential employees and support for schoolchildren and students in the education process. Activities related to employer promotion also include participation in job fairs in order to promote job offers among job seekers, professionals and specialists, as well as maintaining employer profiles in social media. In this area, activities are also undertaken aimed at current employees through running the Employee Zone in the intranet, organising competitions and promoting the Code of Ethics of ENEA Group.

Permanent review of incentive systems and adjusting them to market conditions; implementing the tool for management by objectives, being the basis for transparent and incentive remunerating for the performance, including remuneration for the management and Employees from the sales area.

Information on the remuneration rules at ENEA S.A.

In 2019, there was no formalised remuneration policy at the Company with respect to members of the Company’s bodies. However, various formal remuneration regulations are applied in the Company.

At ENEA S.A., remunerations are determined on the basis of the company’s collective labour agreement, bonus regulations, and work regulations. The rules for determining remunerations at ENEA S.A. are linked to its strategy, objectives, interests, and results.

Addition, they are set out taking into consideration the principle of non-discrimination on any grounds. Save for the modifications in the rules of remunerating persons performing management or supervision functions, there were no significant changes to the remuneration rules applied at the Company in 2019.

The extra-financial remuneration components applied by ENEA S.A. in 2019 included, i.a., health care services, training courses, welfare benefits (under the Company’s Welfare Benefits Fund, i.e., co-financing the employees’ holidays and sports, leisure, cultural and education activities, and low-interest loans for housing purposes), an additional day off, preferential insurance offer, company cars with the option to use them for private purposes, and the employee pension scheme.

As mentioned above, there was no formalised remuneration policy at ENEA S.A. in 2019. However, the remuneration rules applied at the Company are assessed positively from the point of view of implementation of its objectives, including long-term increase in value for shareholders and stability of the enterprise operation.

As at 31 December 2019, neither the Issuer not the member companies of ENEA Group had any liabilities (including assumed liabilities) on account of retirement pensions or similar benefits assigned individually to former employees performing management or supervision functions or former members of administrating authorities.

Social contract

In April 2019, the Employers and representatives of Social Stakeholders from a dozen or so ENEA Group companies signed a Social Contract. The document in particular regulates the matter of stability of employment in the ENEA Group companies, which signed the contract, and grants the employees equality in access to additional benefits. The agreement pertains to issues such as stability of employment, employee tariffs, subscriptions for medical benefits, charge for the Company Social Benefit Fund, or official industry days being treated as public holidays.

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