01 The activity of the Group

Natural environment

Reduction of pollutant emissions

In accordance with EU regulations, and in particular Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) (the Industrial Emissions Directive or IED), as of 1 January 2016 new, stricter environment protection standards are applicable. Therefore, all electricity producers in Poland who use first of all carbon-intensive technologies are obliged to adjust their power units to the new environmental requirements. To address the problems of entrepreneurs, EU law envisages a possibility of using derogation mechanisms. The alleviation of the IED requirements in the form of a derogation makes it possible to obtain additional time for adjusting generation units to the stricter air pollutant emission standards. On 17 August 2017, the so-called BAT conclusions for large combustion plants (Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1442 of 31 July 2017 laying down the conclusions on best available techniques (the BAT conclusions) for large combustion plants in accordance with Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council) were published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The published BAT conclusions introduce, among other things, stricter requirements (than in the IED) for pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust. The BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) were also determined for additional substances such as mercury, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and ammonia. The BAT conclusions will apply from 18 August 2021 after the end of the 4-year adjustment period.

Elektrownia Kozienice – blocks 1-10

YearsSO2 NOx DustCO2 Gross production of electricity [MWh]
SO2 emissions [Mg] SO2 emission ratio [kg/MWh] Fee for SO2 emissions [PLN k] NOx emissions [Mg] NOx emission ratio [kg/MWh] Fee for NOx emissions [PLN k]Dust emissions [Mg]Dust emission ratio [kg/MWh]Fee for dust emissions [PLN k]CO2 emissions [Mg] CO2 emission ratio [kg/MWh]
% change-2.5-9.4-

Elektrownia Kozienice – block 11 vs. blocks 1-10

YearsSO2 NOx DustCO2 Gross production of electricity [MWh]
SO2 emissions [Mg] SO2 emission ratio [kg/MWh] Fee for SO2 emissions [PLN k] NOx emissions [Mg] NOx emission ratio [kg/MWh] Fee for NOx emissions [PLN k]Dust emissions [Mg]Dust emission ratio [kg/MWh]Fee for dust emissions [PLN k]CO2 emissions [Mg] CO2 emission ratio [kg/MWh]
2019 Unit 11[1]1,778.90.3960.6262,285.10.3851,233.9784.10.01430.2784,420,0877445,938,492
2018 Unit 11[1] 1,339.20.229709,791[2]2005,4[3]0.3431062,852[2]105.70.01836,984[2]4,348,8387455,839,184
2019 Units 1-10 7,256.90.5973,918.7528,385.70.694,528.288285.50.023102.76310,463,17886112,152,678
2018 Units 1-10 7,442.20.6593,944.47,644.80.6774,051.8246.70.02286.49,728,13186211,291,279

[1] Data for Unit 11 take into account emissions of pollutants from the start-up boiler house.

[2] The change in relation to the information submitted in 2018 is due to the submission of information concerning Q3

[3] The change in relation to the information provided in 2018 is due to rounding off.

ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec

YearsSO2 NOx DustCO2 Gross production of electricity [MWh]
SO2 emissions [Mg] SO2 emission ratio [kg/MWh] Fee for SO2 emissions [PLN k] NOx emissions [Mg] NOx emission ratio [kg/MWh] Fee for NOx emissions [PLN k]Dust emissions [Mg]Dust emission ratio [kg/MWh]Fee for dust emissions [PLN k]CO2 emissions [Mg] CO2 emission ratio [kg/MWh]
% change-33.6-22-32.3-16.8-2.4-15.3-21.6-7.1-19.4-17.9-3.5-14.9

Elektrociepłownia Białystok

YearsSO2 NOx DustCO2 Gross production of electricity [MWh]
SO2 emissions [Mg] SO2 emission ratio [kg/MWh] Fee for SO2 emissions [PLN k] NOx emissions [Mg] NOx emission ratio [kg/MWh] Fee for NOx emissions [PLN k]Dust emissions [Mg]Dust emission ratio [kg/MWh]Fee for dust emissions [PLN k]CO2 emissions [Mg] CO2 emission ratio [kg/MWh]
% change2325.125.31011.913.227.529.720.5-9.5-83.9

Ciepłownia Zachód Białystok

YearsSO2 NOx DustCO2 Gross production of electricity [MWh]
SO2 emissions [Mg] SO2 emission ratio [kg/MWh] Fee for SO2 emissions [PLN k] NOx emissions [Mg] NOx emission ratio [kg/MWh] Fee for NOx emissions [PLN k]Dust emissions [Mg]Dust emission ratio [kg/MWh]Fee for dust emissions [PLN k]CO2 emissions [Mg] CO2 emission ratio [kg/MWh]
% change-16.10-13.9-44.30-43.2-56.70-54.5-380-

Compliance with formal and legal requirements

ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. takes advantage of a derogation resulting from the IED, under the Transitional National Plan (TNP):

  • in relation to sulphur dioxide and dust emissions: Kozienice Power Plant (Units 1-10) – together with Białystok Heat and Power Plant,
  • in relation to NOx emissions: Białystok Heat and Power Plant – individually.
  • In the period of validity of the TNP, i.e. from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2020, annual emission caps are applicable (the caps decrease year over year). The emission cap in the last year of applicability of the TNP is defined at a level corresponding to the emission standard for a given pollutant, resulting from IED (in the case of Kozienice Power Plant 200 mg/m3usr for SO2 and 20 mg/m3usr for dust).

ENEA Ciepło Sp. z o.o. takes advantage of a derogation resulting from the IED, under the Transitional National Plan (TNP):

  • in relation to sulphur dioxide and dust emissions: Białystok Heat and Power Plant – together with Kozienice Power Plant (Units 1-10),
  • in relation to NOx emissions: Białystok Heat and Power Plant – individually.
    During the period of validity of the TNP, i.e. from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2020, annual mass emission ceilings are in force, decreasing from year to year, as well as emission standards as of 31 December 2015.

ENEA Ciepło Sp. z o.o. takes advantage of a derogation resulting from the IED – natural derogation of 17,500 hours, covering Unit 1.

Until the end of 2019, a total of 9,307 hours were used from the limit of 17,500 hours, of which 943 hours were used in 2019 (263 hours in Q1, 250 hours in Q2, 320 hours in Q3 and 110 hours in Q4 2019).

The emission of pollutants under TNP for FY 2019 and the utilisation of the annual emission limits are presented in the table below

Installation SO2 Dust NOx
[Mg] % of utilization [Mg] % of utilization [Mg] % of utilization
Kozienice Power Plant emission 6 150,06 81,9 156,7 20,9 nd. nd.
annual threshold 7,513.5 751.3
Białystok Combined Heat and Power Plant emission 193.86 27.3 33.45 47.1 384.76 65.6
annual threshold 710.13 71.04 586.24
Total emission 6,343.92 77.1 193.86 23.1 384.76 65.6
annual threshold 8,223.63 710.13 586.24

Pursuant to the regulation of the Minister of Environment of 1 March 2018 on emission standards for certain installation types, fuel combustion sources and waste combustion or co-combustion installations (Polish Journal of Laws of 2018, item 680), in relation to Unit 11 for emission of all pollutants and in relation to Units 1-10 for NOx emissions, the following conditions for the compliance with the emissions standards apply:
a) a) none of the approved average monthly concentrations of substances exceeds 100% of the emission standard,
b) none of the approved average daily concentrations of substances exceeds 110% of the emission standard,
c) 95% of all approved average hourly concentrations of substances during the calendar year does not exceed 200% of the emission standard.
If even one of the conditions specified in items a), b), c) is not met, there is a risk that a penalty will be imposed for each hourly exceedance counted from the beginning of the year.

In 2019, there were no violations of formal and legal requirements.

Kozienice Power Plant meets the objectives set by the national and community law (IED directive, BAT conclusion). The power plant operates five flue gas desulphurisation (FDG) installations, which guarantee the required reduction of SO2 emissions from flue gases of all units. All units of the power plant are equipped with highly efficient electrostatic precipitators, which are upgraded on an ongoing basis in order to maintain high dust removal efficiency. All units (excluding Unit 3) are also equipped with selective catalytic NOx reduction (SCR) installations.

Issues regarding the Mining Area – LW Bogdanka

Land reclamation

  • in 2019, reclamation works were completed in the areas affected by mining damage in Nadrybie Wieś. The works consisted in making a fish pond and elevating the area using mining waste, covering it with earth masses and afforestation. The works were completed in August 2019
  • maintenance of organised greenery, a waste disposal facility and post-industrial areas in the area of Pole Bogdanka, Nadrybie and Stefanów reclaimed in previous years, as well as railway facilities in Zawadowo is carried out on an ongoing basis

Surface protection

  • the impact of mining operation conducted in 2019 on the surface was manifested, just as in the previous years, mainly through the expansion of the surface area of the impact exerted so far
  • the maximum subsidence in the “Puchaczów V” mining area remains in the area of Bogdanka and Nadrybie Wieś villages, commune Puchaczów and amounts to ca. 5.0 m in the central part of the subsidence trough in this region
  • just as it the previous years, the damage to buildings in 2019 was caused mainly in rural buildings, whereby the reported damage to buildings did not cause any hazard to users and was repaired on an ongoing basis
  • in 2019, works were carried out in connection with drainage of agricultural land on mining damage by rebuilding the drainage network and building a pumping station with compensating reservoirs.

Sanctions and fees which may be imposed on the Company for environmental protection purposes

  • mining activity involves the payment of operation fee, the fee for using the natural environment, and various other costs related to:
    - mining waste management
    - reclamation of industrial waste land,
    - environmental monitoring,
    - preparing the land surveys and documentation necessary for the proper operation of the facility,
  • the operation fees are paid every 6 months to the bank accounts of the municipalities where the operation is carried out (60%) and to the National Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund (NFOŚiGW) (40%)
  • LW Bogdanka S.A. meets the standards in the field of environmental protection and was not required to pay any penalties for violating the conditions of using the environment set out in applicable legal regulations in 2019.

Air protection

  • LW Bogdanka S.A. does not have any arranged emitter emitting dust and gases to the air
  • a non-arranged emitter is the extraction waste neutralisation plant at Bogdanka which may be the source of dusting on dry and windy days
  • fugitive air emissions come from combustion of fuels in combustion engines used in the company, from combustion processes and from refrigerant replenishment in air conditioners

Water and waste water management

Refers mainly to mine water, including:

  • rock mass drainage in the area of mine workingsdrenowania górotworu w obrębie wyrobisk górniczych
  • re-use of water for fire protection and process purposes
  • pumping water to the Surface
  • mine water retention in a surface reservoir and sedimentation tank for the purpose of suspended solids reduction
  • water discharge from the reservoir through a system of drainage ditches and Rów Żelazny watercourse to Świnka river in the amount of approx. 14,738 m3/24 hours
  • mine waters are characterised by the total contents of chlorides and sulphates in the amount of 1,075 mg/dm3
  • re-use of mine water (Zakład Przeróbki Mechanicznej Węgla, Łęczyńska Energetyka Sp. z o.o. – part of the Water Treatment Station)

Waste management:

  • in 2019, the total increase in mining waste was 6,299.9 thousand tonnes
  • approx. 49% of waste was subject to recycling and management. The amount of recycled waste, i.e., waste used for industrial waste land reclamation, road and yard hardening, cement production at “Ożarów” Cement Production Plant, and for other purposes, was 3,061.8 thousand tonnes
  • 47% of waste is used to perform reclamation of industrial waste land. Reclamation consists in restoring the original relief of such land through filling sand pits with mining waste, covering them with a layer of soil and its agricultural or forest development
  • other extraction waste (3,238.1 thousand tonnes) is stored in the extraction waste neutralisation facility in Bogdanka
  • LW Bogdanka S.A. manages other industrial waste: it releases to the licenced entities any waste which is capable of reuse (timber, used oils, scrap metal, scrap conveyor belts) or intended for neutralisation (used light sources, glue and paint packaging, etc.)

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